Sundays at King's Baptist Church

What to expect if you join us on a Sunday...

The heartbeat of our Sunday worship is to inspire and encourage people to encounter God. John 4:24 says that God is "seeking" or looking for true, authentic worshipers, so we desire to be a worshiping church. We want people to live a lifestyle of worship unto God on a daily basis, and we want to put Jesus at the centre of gatherings. Our vision is to create an atmosphere for people to encounter God.

come as you are... authentic worshippers.... flip flops or full suits

A warm welcome

A warm welcome is always first at King's.

Every week after our service are refreshments and fellowship from 12.30. A hot drink and some good conversation is always welcome.


We were created to worship, we believe there is no higher call on our lives than to give glory and honour and praise to our God. We  worship as response to the love He has shown us.

Our worship style is contemporary, and our live worship group brings our adoration for the Lord to the forefront.

We believe the first step to freedom is praise and worship.


We don't just want to hear from people, we want to hear from our loving Heavenly Father... so we have a variety of people who seek to hear from God and share what he is saying with us.

Each week we have a message; it's the sermon or preach in religious language - it's the talky bit in normal words. Every week we go to the Word of God, the Bible, to hear what God has to say to us, we believe that God loves us and wants to speak to us, guiding and directing us as his children.

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For the kids

Most weeks we provide a separate group for kids; it's targeted at 6-10 year olds. We mix fun with faith and Jesus with joy to ensure our Children get as much out of Sundays as the adults do.

For the little kids and babies, we have a space at the back of our main room with some toys, so mums and dads don't miss the action (we are working on developing a room for our under 5's and their parents).

Don't worry if your children are noisy, we'll just turn the volume up on the PA. There's even a small room available if you would feel more comfortable nursing in private or just need to give you and your child five minutes quiet.

Traditional Service - 10.30am

One service might not fit all so we also host a more traditional, reflective and gentle gathering for those who like things a little quieter on a Sunday morning.

Meeting in the Manchester Chapel and lasting about an hour, it's a simple and a relaxed time to meet with God. You're more than welcome to join us here if you prefer it over our main service. We worship the same God just using different styles.